Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Downside, Upside

Con: It's nearly an hour-long commute to work, each way.
Pro: It's a committed hour of Morning Edition (AM) and Fresh Air (PM) that I didn't have before.

I heard two stories that got me thinking today.

A Nod to Arranged Marriage
I couldn't shake the image of a dancer and an engineer standing on opposite sides of an unfinished bridge, shouting to be heard over the roar of the fast-moving river. Not physically together but newly married and dying to communicate with each other, get to know each other, and be together. Poetic. Romantic. Inspiring.

My Stroke of Insight
This neuroanatomist's story was so compelling. Pulled me right in. She recounts her experience with her left-brain stroke/hemorrhage with such clarity and detail. Only took 8 years to remember.

I am so right-brained. No wonder left-brained people think that I'm spacey. More details about right brain vs. left brain. BUT I think I've been re-wired in order to try to function properly in the world. According to this test, I am left-brained.

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