Sunday, March 30, 2008

Planet Granite

I love the name of this gym! It's such an awesome place to spend Sunday morning. They have regular gym equipment like treadmills, elliptical machines, weight machines, free weights, medicine balls, pilates balls, etc. And they have boulders and walls for CLIMBING!

After much psychological deliberation (e.g. getting over fear of heights, having confidence in my ability, etc) I was able to get up on the first boulder. Lesson #1 Black pants + chalk do not mix.

Then the second, where the grips wrapped around the corner. Lesson #2: Have fun, don't overthink.

Lesson #3: Falling can be fun.


Ready for the walls and ropes, mental toughness needed for top roping on the 5.2. Steer clear of the first timer!

This will keep me from hitting the ground at 9.8 m/s2 (pretending i'm in a vacuum)

Success on the 5.6 Easy peasy.

On to the 5.7, I think I needed the excess mental toughness from the 5.2 for this one. My arms were already tired at this point. Yeah so, I DO need to use my legs more.

TENSION! Much needed rest.

Success. Whew! That was a doozie.

The photo does not capture the type of pain one can get rock climbing. Try running your palm against the grater next time you make shredded cheese.

The most comfortable position for my hand. This is one of the only time I will INSIST that a guy opens all doors for me.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Reasons to date an EMT/ Paramedic

12~ We are used to staying up all night.

11~ Good with multiple partners.

10~We are experts in mouth to mouth.

9~ The best in rapid clothing removal.
Our motto: strip & flip!

8~ We arrive with our own multi-positional bed.

7~ Shock the socks off you.

6~ We always come when called.

5~ We are prepared for any rhythm.

4~ Of course, we are already familiar with Latex.

3~ Available anytime, anywhere, anyway you need us!!

2~ We stick you anywhere and make you feel all better.

AND BEST OF ALL!!!......

1~We’ll work you up anyplace, anytime, even if there’s a crowd!!

Thanks for sharing this, Jade...

I rescheduled my EMT test for tomorrow because there was too much on my plate for me to be ready last Friday. I'm planning to spend the bulk of my day studying and quizzing myself. Sounds fun, doesn't it?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Pause ||

Call me crazy, but starting tomorrow I will be taking a leave of absence from facebook, myspace, my blog, AIM, gmail chat and other non-school, non-career related internet programs and applications. My NREMT (National Registry for Emergency Medical Technicians) exam is on the 21st. But the real reason for the break is that I'm testing myself--I need to see whether I can do without these things. If you want to wish me luck, tease me, or need to reach me, please call or email.

formerly known as Terence Trent D'Arby

Holding Onto You

Friday, March 14, 2008

When I can't sleep, I write.

No thanks to the Vietnamese coffee I had at 7pm or the Sudafed I had before dinner last night.

Poetic structures
Limit open expression
To five, seven, five.

Writing by moonlight
Brings forth reflection and truth
Before my dream state.

Being without you
Is the curse that is the cure.
Life begins anew.

I'm a sparkling gem
Waiting to be discovered.
What does that make you?

. . .

The Pi-Day Report - 3.14

I took myself on a date today, and I must say, I had a really great time. I'm not sure how many people intentionally spend time by themselves.... if you're not that kind of person, you should try it. It's refreshing!

It was an overcast March morning when I got to the Mt. Hollywood trailhead (next to the Griffith Observatory parking lot).

Ghost City. View of Downtown LA from the Observatory. This is one of the few times that the haze obscuring the buidings is more marine layer than smog.

I got there at about 10:30am, but the Observatory didn't open until noon. Awesome building.

Trailhead marker. In case you needed a visual.

Self-portrait. Coming back down from the top, I took a wrong turn. Instead of backtracking I decided to take the steep hill up to where I was supposed to be in order to get back to the parking lot. It looked like I wasn't the only one who made the mistake because there was a faint trail leading up. I was carrying a camera and a water bottle, hoping not to fall, slide backward or injure myself.

Malheureusement, my arm scraped a few branches. Battle scars.

I drove on the 110 from the Mt. (Hollywood) to the coast, ending up at the Korean Friendship Bell Park in San Pedro. By this time the sun was out and the wind was a-kickin. When I bought my kite, I knew this was the place I was going to fly it. There is ALWAYS wind here. Though the wind was in full force, I had some trouble, as one would suspect trying to fly a kite without another person/hand for launch assistance.

With a little help from a film crewman, I finally got it flying high! Success! It only took a dozen crash landings.

I noticed a mom and her son having a bit of trouble with their kite and asked if they needed help. At first the mom just said it was tangled and they didn't need help. A few minutes later the little boy walked up to me and said, "Umm, can you help me and my mom with our kite?" Gladly.

Mom and son. After some minor surgery and repairs, the space shuttle took off towards the moon.

Man, I love living in LA!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Friday night reflection - 3/7

Last night, I did what every interesting twenty-something would do. I went to the library, checked out some books, and went home to read. Well, maybe not every interesting twenty-something.

Every day I'm reflecting upon what it really means to be single. As a serial monogamist, I've been in relationships now for more than half my life (since middle school). My shortest relationship was about 7 months. Though there was up to a few months in between relationships, I never really knew what it meant to be a single woman. It's now time.

There is a game being played out there and I'm ready to learn the rules.

Lesson 1: Normally, when I get to know someone new (whether it be classmate, roommate, friend, bf) I'm not incredibly reserved with many of my thoughts and emotions. In college I learned that sharing your thoughts and baring your soul can be effective communication: stories, opinions, dreams, goals, feelings, witty banter, etc. Opening myself up can lead to the other opening him/herself up. I'm slowly learning that not this level of disclosure is not necessarily good--and that I will probably run out of energy soon if I keep it up. There is a certain appeal (a feeling that I liken to power and control) that comes with keeping certain thoughts in my head, feelings in my heart. I've talked about this with T once and I didn't quite understand the concept until now. Makes complete sense in singlehood when it was nonsense in a relationship.

Lesson 2: Who gives a flying hoot what I choose to do with my Friday night? I can do whatever tickles my fancy. This revelation, which many have known as fact for while, is the definition of freedom and the essence/appeal of being single. I've talked to many a romantic (mostly guys) who tell me that this feeling can be overrated. Meh! I say--not right now!

My friends R, R and J are supposed to fill me in on the other lessons. They seem to be able to work the single circuit and still keep their wits about them.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

One Condom Away

One Condom Away...

From experiencing the most memorable night of your life
From finally being able to call yourself a man
From making your wildest dreams come true
From the best sleepless night you've ever had
From tug of war like you've never played it before

From not telling your next partner that you have a child
From not questioning whether you are an absent father
From not paying 18 years of child support
From not having restless nights worrying about when you can see your little girl again
From not playing tug of war like you're never played it before, in court

Just wear it.