Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Living under a rock?

A list of things I learned about in the past few days... but probably would have already know had I not been stuck in the Void that is facebook.

Bubble Gum Zombie Pop
On my way home from the Bay Area, I picked up a rideshare from Salinas. He was a 20-year old who had a distinct taste in punk rock and underground hip hop (by white guys). He introduced me to what he called Bubble Gum Zombie Pop, and a group called Zombina and the Skeletones. Listen to "Nobody Likes You." There was another track we listened to while driving the hills and curves of State Route 46 that sounded more like surf music than anything. I felt like I was riding waves of purple, yellow and orange wildflowers.

The soundtrack to Stubbs the Zombie
Who could ask for a better CD of remade songs from the 1950's, 60's, and older? Many of my favorite musicians on it.

Barack Obama and Reverend Wright
I can't believe I missed this news. Really, now. Where have I been? At least I got some porcelain reading time in there... I'm not completely in the dark. NPR, where are you?

The Watchmen Series
A Movie? Never even read the graphic novel. Shame on me.

The best thing i learned this past week!


taberlykim said...

Did you get rickrolled?

Wil C said...

*raises hand in shame*

smells like po-po said...

shit, i did! shame!