Friday, April 18, 2008

I [heart] Badminton

These guys are awesome! I need to learn how to smash and defend like this.

I've been doing some research about where to play badminton in the LA area. Sidenote: if you have to question why I can't just set up a net outside, I cannot play with you.

I'm excited about what I found:

OMG, this place looks intense. San Gabriel Valley Badminton Club. Club members can reserve courts and request coaches. I'm sure a beginner would be intimidated by players like this. $7/person for guests.

Arcadia Badminton Club So many players in the area, I guess thay HAD to open another 17-court gym. This one has a cafe and shower facilities!? I found a badminton meet-up club that meets at this location. This guy's arm is strong! Too bad he doesn't have anyone to play with. $5 before 5pm on weekdays, $8 other times.

There's a gym that has Open Badminton hours 15 minutes away from where I live, but I don't want to tell you where it is because it gets really crowded as it is. Let me know if you really want to play and I'll let you in on the "secret" location. $1.

Be sure to catch Badminton during the 2008 Olympics (if they even broadcast it on American TV). You can barely see the birdie, it travels so fast.

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