View of the infield, where there was a beer garden. I had a Blue Moon Belgian White and a Mirror Pond Pale Ale (yum).
Mmm. Hot dog. I know, hot dog buns have sugar. But I deserved it after the awesome job I did during the 5k run a few hours before. I still haven't looked up my time, but it was under a 10 min/mile pace.

Deserved the beer too. Yes, that is 3 glasses in one. BTW, they say it's customary for a lady to wear a hat when she goes to the races...

Me and the track.

The Santa Anita Derby is actually one race out of like 11 for the day. I think it was televised somewhere in the world. Look at the ponies go!

We were too late to place a bet, but I was rooting for Meeting with Destiny (30 to 1 odds). She came in second to last.

For the next race, I bet on the Longshot... Quiet Warrior, #7.

Uproarious laughter! This is my Quiet Warrior, my Longshot, in the paddock. Definitely looks the part. If you're curious whether her expression is normal, it isn't. She was the only one i saw who had her tongue hanging out like this.

My bet.

There she goes, Quiet Warrior, in last place! It REALLY would have been something if she won. A story for the grandkids. Alas.

I threw my ticket and my friend Steven's ticket on the ground in defeat.

Thought it was random.

What a winning horse should look like. Her name is Missit.

And she won! Steven gets to buy me In-n-Out now.

(Not my horse / bets.)

Took out my frustrations another way.

He's okay. No complaints.
Yay! 32:10. Give or take a minute or two because it took a while to get out of the starting gate. This was during the 5k in the morning, not the horse racing in the afternoon--two separate events, people!
:) I'm glad you clarified that, because otherwise, you'd be the long shot amongst horses.
hopefully my tongue isn't wagging before my next race.
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