Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Before Sunrise (1995)

"I always feel this pressure of being a strong and independent icon of womanhood, and without making it look my whole life is revolving around some guy. But loving someone, and being loved means so much to me. I always make fun of it and stuff. But isn't everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?"

Monday, April 25, 2011

Jazz: My thoughts in a few measures

Each afternoon that I leave my History of Jazz class I have a sense of elation and ease knowing that I filled my mind with just a tad more awesomeness. It's like I'm learning more words to describe and appreciate a love I have had but didn't know how to express. We started with basic Miles and Coltrane (and will probably revisit) and we are now at the end of the Swing Era with Ella Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Tommy Dorsey, Glenn Miller.... Listening to the evolution of jazz from it's European classical, African worksong, Blues, Ragtime, Swing, Bebop, etc roots and the people and figures that helped shape the art bring me so much closer to it. I am by no means a musician, so some of the learning does not come naturally (hearing the differences in instrumentation, rhythm, chord changes, and time signatures). But I love it! Every lecture, I'm impressed at the talent and richness of jazz history AND the nuances and variations in style and performance--makes me want to learn more.

As much as I like to make lists, I kinda like to speak in metaphors. It helps my mind wrap itself around a particular thought:

I have always contended that a good jazz performance is like a really good relationship. Band members are passionate about their role in playing the song. They may each have the opportunity to improvise and share his/her sound with the world. It's a matter of listening to each other, playing off of each other's energy, understanding each other's limitations, complementing each other's skills and talents, and when the time is right allowing the other to do her thing / play her solo (while the soloist knows she has her bandmate's full support and will jump in to help carry the song when she is done). Like life, the song is dynamic. People are dynamic and ever-changing.

The romantic side of me (a.k.a. the sap) is still looking for her bandmate and jazz partner. Someone who on a mellow day has a natural tempo close to hers, but also knows how to speed it up or slow it down as life (or the particular song) calls for it. If my partner hears my part of the song change, my hope is that he recognizes, responds, plays along or helps to steer it in another amazing direction. A girl can hope that there is one out there for her. Maybe I should put out a want ad.

(Yep. I just went there. Deal with it. Hahahaha)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mercury is in retrograde, and Saturn is in Libra. WTF?

Today I spent some time with a friend and met his wife for the first time. I already feel like she and I will become fast friends... but there is one thing about her that I have never encountered in another person I have met. She not only likes to read horoscopes and astrological forecasts, she remembers them and incorporates them into life in such a way that guides her behavior. I don't think I have ever met anyone that will caution her husband not to replace his non-functional XBOX (which he wants so he can play Portal 2) because Mercury is in retrograde and it is the governor of all moving parts, as in electronics. The reason why it is not working is not because he didn't turn it on in 2 years, but because the movement of celestial bodies dictates so. This might make her seem like a flighty, irrational, and loopy woman but she is not. She is intelligent, thoughtful, insightful and practical... except for her "like" of astrology.

So she got me to look up my astrological forecast for April from her favorite related website. It told me 2 main things:

This month, the planets will be a bit wild, sending differing, often opposite, messages, at the same time. As the adage goes, "When in doubt, do nothing." With your ruler, Mercury, retrograde from March 30 to April 23, things cannot be settled to your satisfaction anyway, so take your sweet time to sort out options and do your research.
Mercury is the planet of thinking, reasoning, and communication, so when it is out of phase, everyone of every sign feels it, but Gemini always feels it more than most. Mercury is your guardian planet, so when retrograde, it is an unfortunate time to launch anything new. It is also not a time to sign a contract or even give your final word of approval verbally. Conditions are shifting rapidly now, a fact you may not see until later. Nothing will be set in stone this month, so if you make decisions now, your decisions will be based on the wrong criteria and with priorities that will change later.

Saturn's presence [in Libra] could also suggest that you and the person you are dating (if you are dating) need to be in very different locations. Saturn brings separations through no fault of your own, just to see what you will do. Sometimes Saturn does this to test the strength of your relationship. Saturn will change signs in October 2012, so from now until then, you will have to contend with that situation.

I try not live my life according to illogical and irrational thinking, or quackery BUT this is a little weird. Just sayin'

I have further thoughts about dating and relationships that I wanted to blog about tonight but I'm going to sleep instead. Maybe another time.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


"Te amo como se aman ciertas cosa oscuras,
secretamente, entre la sombra y el alma."
— Pablo Neruda

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

With Exception?

Note to self, also cross-listed under things I wish I knew before starting undergrad:
With regard to grades, my Critical Thinking prof said, "it is better to have something and not need it than to need something and not have it."
In this case, he was referring to having an A, or good grades. I'm not so sure this could apply universally. Is it always good to have something and not need it than to need it and not have it? (I'm repeating it over and over). I think yes, actually--if you are looking at things from the inside, out.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Feels weird to repost something that i wrote myself over 2 yeas ago but I felt like I needed feedback and a reminder.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mindfulness Retreat

I'm hoping to shed of a lot of mental and emotional weight this coming weekend at the Deerpark Monastery in San Diego county. I have never been on a spiritual/Buddhist retreat before and I am very excited. Flying solo, this is a welcome challenge. I have been needing some time to gather myself and re-center my life.

I am arriving late Friday afternoon and leaving for home Sunday evening.
This is a sample of what the schedule is going to look like:

5:00 a.m. Wake up - Temple Bell in 30 minutes
5:45 Sitting Meditation - Walking Meditation
7:30 Breakfast
9:00 Working Meditation or Dharma Talk
12:00 p.m. Lunch
2:00 Rest / Personal Time
3:00 Classes / Meeting
4:30 Sports and Exercises
5:30 Light Dinner
7:00 Sitting Meditation and Chanting
9:30 Noble Silence
10:30 Light Out and Bed Time
