I love the name of this gym! It's such an awesome place to spend Sunday morning. They have regular gym equipment like treadmills, elliptical machines, weight machines, free weights, medicine balls, pilates balls, etc. And they have boulders and walls for CLIMBING!

After much psychological deliberation (e.g. getting over fear of heights, having confidence in my ability, etc) I was able to get up on the first boulder. Lesson #1 Black pants + chalk do not mix.

Then the second, where the grips wrapped around the corner. Lesson #2: Have fun, don't overthink.

Lesson #3: Falling can be fun.


Ready for the walls and ropes, mental toughness needed for top roping on the 5.2. Steer clear of the first timer!

This will keep me from hitting the ground at 9.8 m/s2 (pretending i'm in a vacuum)

Success on the 5.6 Easy peasy.

On to the 5.7, I think I needed the excess mental toughness from the 5.2 for this one. My arms were already tired at this point. Yeah so, I DO need to use my legs more.

TENSION! Much needed rest.

Success. Whew! That was a doozie.

The photo does not capture the type of pain one can get rock climbing. Try running your palm against the grater next time you make shredded cheese.

The most comfortable position for my hand. This is one of the only time I will INSIST that a guy opens all doors for me.