Sunday, January 13, 2008

Resolutions, not new

I left for Vietnam several days after New Years Day without any new resolutions. I'm guessing it's because people usually make resolutions when they want to actively make a change, and I kind of already acted on some before January 1. Before I left the States on the 4th, so many changes had already been set (relationships- something to nothing; career- manufacturing to nursing/medicine; and employment- 1 1/2 jobs to none) that another shift in thought and action would have been excessive. SO instead I set out to (re)define my goals in life for my 2008 resolutions. It's somewhat like restating these goals I've had since college but my life experience up to this point gives them more sophisticated definitions. Wanna hear it, here it goes:

Expanding my mind and worldview
Giving what I can
Staying healthy
Being present
Creating beauty

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

Here's another one:

Kicking ass in your EMT class! :)