Saigon, Vietnam - Day 4 (Wednesday)
I'm having a hard time communicating with folks back at home, but it's probably better that way. I guess all it takes a few thousand miles, a differences in time zone, and a dial up connection to create communication gaps that rival the Grand Canyon. Of course, in some cases it's more than just those barriers. Funny how it happens that when you really want to keep in contact with people these barriers are negligible. Part of me is glad for the quiet solitude.
Still, this sort of lonely is pretty insettling. I'm surrounded by people who care about me, but wishing for a deep philosophical, spiritual, emotional connection (Further comments about my primal instincts for something
physical can wait for another time or blog post). What's even more weird is that instead of finding Vietnam revolting because of this out-of-sorts feeling, I want to stay longer. The challenge to overcome it is really appealing.
Anyway, I have pictures to upload but I'll wait until I have a faster connection at an internet cafe to put them up. Just the usual: food, family, fun and Tiger Beer.
Side note: I really want to learn how to play the bass and want my first performance to be a song with the same name as this blog post. I just need the rest of the band.