I had an exuberant Spanish 2 professor who, on the first day, wrote CON GANAS on the board. She told us that it was her expectation that we live, learn and participate "Con ganas," which she shouted with as much eagerness as she wanted us to have, fist in the air and all. Life is too short to passively sit back a watch it happen. If you feel like doing something with half of your passion, a portion of your desire, and a fraction of your energy, then WHY DO IT? It was infectious to watch a woman, a few years shy of retirement, bounce around the classroom, encouraging everyone to take
life by the horns and ride it. Corny, but I'm all about corny.
Confession: I have not been living well. I have not been writing, creating, reflecting, or really thinking all that hard...and it sucks! I think that's why I'm in a funk. I have been missing the discipline to succeed, the passion to participate, hunger to be the best and the compassion to help.
All right. Enough with the lamentation. Time to get out there and live this wonderful life. Back to the list. Back to my goals. Back on track!